Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit...(Purrlease enjoy Sir Frasier's pages as he had a lot of fun making them) Miss Minnie has graciously given me another page for more Bunnery! Jolly good show, Miss Minnie!
Here are a few things I hope my new Bunster friends will enjoy - click on all the pictures to see what's there! Did you know that in the UK 'to rabbit on' means to chat and chat and chat and chat...with no respite! I'll never understand how those humans came up with that one - we Buns are rather quiet chaps, if I do say so myself! And apologies for this page being titled as 'Photos 6' on the menu bar. I almost became a hot cross Bun trying to fix it - but even stamping my paws didn't work! I hope you didn't get all excited thinking our pictures were up...those humans STILL haven't bought us our scanner! Bah!
Mr Bugs Bunny - A Class Act!
Click on Bugs to visit DiAnn's amazing transcript site and find out What's Up, Doc!
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
This is one of my favourite films!
Wondering Why This Bun Is So Happy?
It's because his humans have read all about Bunny Care at the House Rabbit Society!
All You Old Timer Buns, Take A Hop Down Memory Lane With Crusader Rabbit!
Paws up who remembers him!
More Information?
Then you'll find lots and lots of excellent links at Net Vet! Click on the Bun to get there!
They may not have beautiful big Rabbit paws, but they certainly know how to trip the light fantastic!