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Awards Fur Mew

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Our Awards Fur Mew!
Evfur since I started to purrlay on the Infurnet I have met lots of grrreat animals, and some lovfurry humans too, who have supurrb sites. And now I would likes to say Fang Mew to them and purrsent them with our Awards!

If mew would likes any of our Awards, purrlease email MEow with the one(s) mew would likes and mewr details and I will come and visit mew. If mewr site gets my paws up, CONCATULATIONS! I knows all mew Cats are clefur enough to know that mewr site must be Fambly Furiendly and must not show animals being treated in a negative way or without the respurrect we deserves! Fang mew! Oh, I'd better not furget to tell mew that this is the ONLY page on my site where the images are NOT linked! Purrs!

Do mew have an Animal Rights page or features?
Or does it purrmote ufur good causes? If mewr site shows mewr good heart I'd love to purrsent mew with this Award!
In Honour of Sir Frasier
Although my dear furiend has crossed the Rainbow Bridge I have decided to keep the Fun Bun Award in memory of all the good times and big fun we had together. I knows he would be purrleased.
This One Too...
I knows Sir Frasier was a Bun with impeccable taste, so as a tribute to him I would still like to give our Award to the grrreat sites I knows he'd like. Mewr site doesn't have to be all about animals fur mew to apurrly!
Once mew have received an email furom MEow saying I'd like mew to have our Award(s)...
just right click mewr mousie on the Award and then 'Save As'. Hey Purresto! Mew have an Award fur mewr site! It would be lovfurry of mew to link back to MEow here at http://missminnieminerva.freeservers.com when mew put up mewr Award(s). Fang mew! Purrs and Concatulations!
Cute! Who? Moi?!!
If mew think I'm a cute Kitty mew can vote fur MEow at by clicking on the banner. There are lots of Feline Groovy sites on the list! Purrs