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Feline Purroud!
Fang Mew Fur These Lovfurry Awards!
I am furry sad to say that my site does not have the furrcilities to suppurrt Web Rings. Sorry about that, Puddy Pals.

Now I Feel Like A Real GlamourPuss!
Fang Mew, Littlefoot!
There's Nofang Mo' Purrfect Than A Snuggle Furom A Cat!
Purrrrr, Bambi!
Tee Hee! I Loves Big Fun!
Fang mew, KeeKee! I loves mewr Toy! If mew would like to recieve an Award furom Bambi, Littlefoot and KeeKee, the 'Cats and Pink Cadillac' Puddies, purrlease click on their Awards!
Meow there, Miss Minnie!
This lovfurry Award is furom Miss Minnie of Miss Minnie's Menagerie. No, I haven't awarded myself this one! Tee Hee! Fang mew furry much, Miss Minnie! And I thinks mew have a Fangtastic Name! Click on the Award to visit Miss Minnie's cool site!
Look What Fate Had In Store Fur MEow!
A wonderfur Award furom Madam Troublinski! Fang mew furry much! I will be checking daily with mew to see what my furroscope says! If mew would likes a supurr psychic Award furom Madam Troublinski click on the image to apply!
I Am So Purroud!
Fang mew so much fur this furry special Award, Miss Minnie! I am compurrletely delighted! Purrlease click on this Award to visit Miss Minnie's marvellous site!