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Kitty Campaigners 2

Mo' Animal Rights! Purrlease check out these sites and do what mew can to help! Purrs!
Fang mew so much fur visiting my Kitty Campaigners pages. It makes MEow furry happy to know that there are a lot of lovfurry kind humans who want to help animals who have been abandoned and mistreated. Rememfur to click on the images fur more infurmation (and purrtitions, if apurrlicable). Big Purrs and Noserubs to mew all! Fang mew! Because this is such a big page it can become a bit distorted after you have scrolled across to the right and then back again. To remedy this, just quickly scroll DOWN and back up again : )


MTV video glamorises Pit Bull fighting. PURRTITION. There are also many other Animal Rights purrtitions on this site, so it's worth expurrloring it.


Feminists for Animal Rights. Some furry infuresting purrspectives - a grrreat site!

Read the newspaper article and sign the PURRTITION!

European Coalition To End Animal Experiments (includes USA Animal Rights groups)

As well as grrreat free postcards Action Cat has excellent Animal Rights infurmation and PURRTITIONS

Let's work to get rid of these evil contraptions!

This poor crippled Kitten is a 'TWISTY CAT'. Read the 'Twisty Kat Debate' at 'Cats in the House' and sign the PURRTITION

Read more on the 'Twisty Cats' at 'Better As Designed' and sign the PURRTITION

Mew don't have to be memfur of CLAW to help with the CLAW Cats Care campaign

Help fur animals all ofur the world! Pro-spaying and neutering PURRTITION

A CLAW campaign to help end homelessness

Isn't this boy just adorable! Read Lucky's story and find out how you can help

Purrlease come and visit Tom and his furry and feathered furiends. This is a fangtastic Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation site - tons of grrreat infurmation and fangs to see! And don't furget to subscribe to 'Tom's Tid-bits' fun newsletter!

This is Lucy, a victim of vet malpractice in Michigan. Purrlease read the facts and sign the PURRTITION

Are mew handy with mewr paws? How about making a comfurting Snuggle or two? Purr

Beautiful Charlie was brutally murdered. In his honour his owner will donate the 100 dollar prize to a shelter if he wins this compurrtition. Mew can vote 20 times purr hour.

Save the rainforests for free at this grrreat site! Click on Mr Banana the monkey and he'll take you there!

Brave little Spanky was tortured and set on fire by brutal thugs. He is now on the mend, but still help is needed. Click to read his story.