Kitty Campaigners
Most of us are furry lucky Cats with humans who dote on us. Unfurtunately there are a LOT of Kitties who are unloved and ill-treated. Let's ALL lend a paw to stamp out cruelty!
Throughout the world animals of all kinds are being mistreated. I don't understand why some humans want to be Bad to us because we are so loving and trusting, but I DO know that if mew and mewr humans help Fight the Good Fight fangs will get better - and for some of our animal friends it won't be too late! If mew have any Infurmation, Articles, Purrtitions, etc. on more ways to help I'll be happy to dispurrlay them! And don't furget to click on all the images!
Mew will find more Infurmation and Purrtitions on my Lynx and Kitty Campaigners pages. Purrlease do what mew can to help!
This notice is being circulated in Minnesota. It's authenticity has been verified. "BIO CORPORATION, 3911 NEVADA STREET, ALEXANDRIA, MINNESOTA, 56808, USA, Tel: 1-800-222-9094. ERNIE KOLLE WILL PAY TWO DOLLARS FOR EVERY CAT EUTHANIZED." As well as hunting down poor strays to be killed for cash, this appalling state of affairs will also lead to a glut of unscrupulous thugs capturing and stealing healthy pet cats (even those wearing collars and tags) to sell for profit to this dreadful organisation. If you have a cat in this area I urge you to keep your pet indoors to avoid its capture. Please help end this atrocity by writing polite letters of protest to the above address and/or to the MINNESOTA HUMANE SOCIETY. Also please think of other ways we can help put an end to this cat culling profiteering racket. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate you contacting me and I will pass them on to CLAW Animal Rights Guild. Thank you! Frances (Minnie's Mama)