PURRTAKE OF A NEW HOBBY! Find out more about the purrticular fangs that infurest mew by clicking on the images and visiting my Lynx and Fangs pages
Some of mew younger Kittens may be a tad afuraid of that furightening saying, 'Curiosity Killed the Cat', but RELAX, little Fursters, and remember the rest of the old adage, 'BUT SATISFURACTION BROUGHT IT BACK!' We have a multitude of lives - a whole Big 9 of them! So don't be a Scaredy Cat - get those mittens off and have Fun! Meowever, I am no AdvoCat of risky foolishness like Escaping furom mewr house, Climbing into the tumble dryer fur a Catnap, Eating plants and purrlastic, and the like, but instead, getting new infurests! Here are some suggestions to impurrove mewr Pusstimes!
Cultured CatsTo get those pesky humans out of our fur we can escape to a world of a more creative purrsuasion, namely TV, films, mewsic and books. These are a few of my favfurite fangs (along with raindrops on roses and whiskers on Kittens). Enjoy! Some of the furry best telly features Cats, of course. Check out 'Top Cat' and 'Tom and Jerry' - they are always good to help laugh up those furballs! May I recommend the movie 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' to all mew filmic felines. Although Miss Elizabeth Taylor as Maggie the Cat doesn't look terribly furry to MEow, it's always nice to know that some humans are trying to climb the evolutionary ladder (furry diffurcult without claws, I'd imagine!). Fur some Caterwalling and dancing join in with the cast of the mewsical 'Cats' which is based on a most spurrlendid piece of prose, 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats'. I loves to meowl along with Tom Jones's 'What's New Pussycat' and to put my paddy paws to the test jiving to the rinky-dink 'Pink Panther' theme. But my most furry favfurite of all has to be that purring purrformer, Queen of Catwomen, Miss Eartha Kitt! |
Meowl Along With The Mewsical 'CATS'!
Don't Mess With Kitties! Sporting ChallengesBug Hunting is one of my favfurite sports! Quake in my wake, Ugly Bugs! HA! As an agile and athletic Cat I have also trained my humans in the Art of Fetch. To do this simpurrly give them a ball or a Toy (though I purrfer a ball of screwed up paper - especially if I have just been given a new Toy! Hee Hee!) and watch them throw! Repeat this sevfural times until they start to sweat. Make sure that mew insist they get up and get the ball many times themselves too - why should their Purrsonal Trainer have to do all the hard work! This actifurty keeps them fit and able to go to work to get money fur MEow! I would like to add a Paws Script to this item: D*GS have no idea how to purrlay this sport - as usual they have got it the Wrong Way Round and do all the running. We Kits could TAKE ON any mutt at this in the Olympurrics and win paws down. Do NOT mess with a Champion Cat! |
See MEow, the MIGHTY Bug Hunter!
Toy TimeI have a huge collection of Toys to amews MEow! Ten furry mouses; three tinkly balls to chase; a fishy on a line; a stuffed cuddly monkey called Mr Banana; Miss Frederica Elliot, a fuzzy pink pig who squeaks; six ping-pong balls; a funny dangly fang with feathers (that I knows is not a birdy! Who are they trying to fool?!); a Catnip sack; and Tasty Fishy, my cyber pet. "How did mew gets so many grrreat Toys, MinMin?" I hear mew ask! Well, Kitty Cousins, it's easy! When mewr Mama or Daddy brings mew home a new Toy go NUTZOID! They will be so delighted at how clefur they've been to get mew such a purrfect purresent! Trust MEow, keeping those humans amewsed is too easy - like catching fishies in a barrel... After about 20 minutes they will be exhausted by mewr antics (humans have furry small brains and lose concentration easily), so while they are having a cup of tea Hide mewr new Toy in mewr Secret Purrlace! Then cry and look bewildered. Mewr humans will hunt high and low but will nefur be smart enough to find mewr Toy. They will, meowever, feel furry sad fur mew, their Poor Angelpie Fuzzball Sugarplum Choochie-Face Fluffybutt Baby, and go and buy mew anofur one! Tee Hee! Repeat purrocess furequently! |

My MOPYFISH, Tasty Fishy!