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Fun Bun Corner!
Greetings! I'm Sir Frasier Hoppalot-Cotton De Flop, the new addition to the Fambly! Welcome to my hot, but not cross, Bun page!
Most pleased to meet you, Ladies and Gentlemen and Furbabies of all kinds! Please allow me to tell you a little about myself. You may, gentle Folks, Fursters and Featherbies, have noticed my rather splendid name! I think it's jolly spiffing and quite suitable for a handsome white Rabbit of such poise and decorum as myself *modest cough*. However, I almost had a critter christening with a moniker more akin to a gangster! Good Lord! I knew I had to put a rapid end to this awfully declasse' predicament and quickly enlisted the aid of my dear chum, Miss Minnie Minerva. Miss Minnie, as you are no doubt aware, is a most charming Feline who has, if I may be so bold, an enchanting and classy demeanour, and I felt assured she would come to my aid. But let me fill you in on the details: when I was adopted as the Fambly House Bunny my Mama insisted upon referring to me as Big White Bunny Boy! Fortunately Papa realised how absolutely ridiculous this sounded, but less fortunately I was then dubbed Bogart Da Bunny! Now I know Papa is from Chicago, but I think one can take this gangster mallarky a tad far, don't you? Miss Minnie hurriedly came to my rescue and together with some of her chums from CLAW helped me decided on my new swish name. Ahhhh...Sir Frasier Hoppalot-Cotton De Flop - that's more like it! As well as being delighted with this moniker, I am also terribly taken with my new home! At 6 months old I had, until my fortuitious relocation, never been granted the priviledge of hopping around outside my small cage. Now this Bun has turned! I have a marvellous new spacious batchelor pad in the lounge where everyone spends lots of time. I think it's all quite wonderful with my water bottle, food bowls and litter tray, toys (many donated by the ever generous Miss Minnie!) and comfortable bedding to snuggle down in! But the most delightful thing of all is when the roof of my house is lifted off and I am allowed to hop and jump and click up my heels all around the room! Space! Magical! I spend most of my time pottering around the lounge, making sure everything is up to scratch, or playing with Miss Minnie. I am quite taken by her fondness for stroking my ears! I am also becoming more and more enchanted by this quaint practice called 'Cuddles'. It is most comforting, especially up on a warm lap. And the cuisine! Delicious! I have been banqueting on the most scrumptious vegetables: carrots, cabbage, cauliflower and sprouts! And I can safely recommend the local pet shop delicacy of Rabbit Mix - very tasty! I hope all this bouncing around the lounge will burn of some of this delicious fare's calories as I have my figure to think of, don'tcha know! As I mentioned, I am a rather attractive chap. I am all white with bright sparkling pink eyes. I'm sure I could have made a rather lucrative career in show business as a Magician's Assistant, but I have always felt that the Top Hat is rather vulgar for day wear. Along with Miss Minnie, I am greatly looking forward to our humans getting organised and finally getting our portraits scanned and erected on this site for your delectation. With luck, and a good deal of prodding from Miss Minnie and myself, this should be done by the end of January 2000. I must say, it has been utterly delightful to make your aquaintance, and I greatly look forward to your next visit! And please feel free to help yourself from my fine collection of carrots and cabbage leaves! *whisker twitches*

More of Sir Frasier's Bunnery can be found on the Photos 6 page.

Sadly, Sir Frasier crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 10th February. We love and miss you, BunBun.
Sir Frasier crossed the Rainbow Bridge very suddenly from a swift and severe attack of viral pneumonia. He had not been suffering any illness before he was taken, so the quickness of his passing was a blessing. He was a great little guy and we miss him terribly. We love you, Sir Frasier, and find some comfort in knowing you are happy in Paradise across the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you so much to all out friends who sent their sympathies. We appreciate it very much. Your kindness and words of comfort greatly help ease the pain of losing our sweet Bunny pal.