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Miss Minnie Minerva's Purrsonal Pages

Minnie's MewsI have some very sad news...my best friend, Sir Frasier the Bunny, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on the 10th February. Our dear Bunny suffered a very swift and severe attack of viral pneumonia. But one blessing is that it was so quick he didn't suffer any illness preceeding his passing. We miss him very much. But even at this sad time we can't forget all the critters out there who need our help, so purrlease visit the KITTY CAMPAIGNERS pages.

About MEow!I, Miss Minnie Minerva aka The Magnifurcent MinMin, am a Mighty Marmalade Cat! I lives in Scotland with my Mama and Daddy so I have a wee burr to my purr. But my Daddy is furom Chicago so I can talk 'Merican too. I knows what Kibble is! My Daddy says there are Big Orange Wild Cats in 'Merica, but I bets they're not as Wild as MEow when I don't get My Own Way!I was born on 12 March 1999 so I'm getting to be quite a Big Cat now. I furighten my toy mouses a LOT! ROAR!I have lots of fangs that I likes to do: finding Sun Traps; Headbutting Mewspapers; helping my humans Type when they are working on my Compurruter; Bug Hunting (I am Furocious!); Catburgling Food; Purrlaying with my Toys; Monster Killing (I purrtect my humans by purrtrolling their bed and pouncing furequently); Catnapping and Cuddling (I am a furry generous Cat and allow my humans to Worship MEow!)But above all, I am Queen of the Household and I do just AS I PURRLEASE!

At HomeI allow Mama and Daddy to live with MEow in my Kitty Cottage in a village near Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. But unfurtunately fur MEow there are no real mouses in my house. But nefur mind, my Mama is always on paw fur Kitty Cuddles and Food and my Daddy is furry good at purrlaying with MEow. And they can open cans. Meowever, as well as my own humans, I live right by the Primary School and allow the little humans to adore and amews MEow as I sit in the window as they go to class. I am a STAR! As a responsible Celebrity I always make sure I am on my Windowsill Stage looking purrfectly purreened fur my public as they come by to see MEow. If these little humans continue to take tips furom MEow soon they will be clefur enough to go to Unifursity!When I am Bored by humans I have my Toys to purrlay with and my furry mouses to Catch and Kill. My blue one has Catnip. Yum! I also have a fishy on a line. Although he is as Big as a Shark, I Reign Supurreme!

Celtic Kitty CornerAs a Scotty Cat it is my aim to have all Celtic Kitties wearing the Kilt! I am a memfur of the MacLean Clan and if mew are a Kitty with Scottish roots mew can find out mewr Tartan and Clan Motto! Just email MEow and I will let mew know! But I must remind all Cats that although the Thistle is our National Flower do NOT attempt to sniff it - it is covfured in purrickles! Haggis Hunting can also be a rafur hairy purrsuit fur these wee beasties have furry sharp teeths! One fang I will not beef about is Heilan' Coos (Highland Cows) fur they are Orange too - just like MEow! Hee hee!



The CRITTER CLUB is all about Animal Rights, so purrlease come fur a visit! Purr!
The Critter Club is a new Animal Rights group my Mama has started at the school where she is a teachfur. Of course it was all MY idea! Hee! Hee! Though I must say the kids at the school are furry clefur indeed and already they have raised a lot of money fur animal charities and sponsfured a Kitty called FLOSS MacKENZIE. Mew would make MEow purr if mew could pussyfoot ovfur and leave mewr paw purrint in the Guest Book fur the kids to read! Fang mew!

My Rightful Abode: Edinburgh Castle
All the images on my site are linked - so purrlease click on them to discovfur what's there!